Aug 23
Bid ended

RFP - Disaster Debris Removal and Disposal Services #16398

Bay St. Louis, MS (G-NR-E)


Bidding Closed

Bid Date8/23/24 10:00am

Company & Contacts

City of Bay St. Louis
Michael Reso  




The City of Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, will receive proposals for:

Disaster Debris Removal and Disposal Services

until 10:00 A.M. CST, August 23, 2024, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.

The Contract Documents are on file and may be examined at the following locations:

  1. Bay St. Louis City Hall, 688 Highway 90, Bay St. Louis, Mississippi 39520

  2. (log-in registration required)

Specifications are being made available via hard copy or digital download at Interested Bidders can view documents for free, but are required to log-in or register for an account to download or order bid documents.  Specification documents are non-refundable and must be purchased through the website.  Questions regarding website registration and online orders, please contact Plan House at 228-248-0181.  No partial specification manuals will be issued. No contract documents (hard copies or electronic copies) will be issued to Vendors within twenty-four (24) hours of the time indicated above for receiving bids. For those interested, bids can be electronically submitted at under the project page.  All interpretations of specifications shall be directed to Michael Reso, CAO/City Clerk at

All submittals must be on file with the City Clerk prior to the opening time as stated above. All submittals must be sealed and clearly marked on the outside of the envelope as indicated “DISASTER DEBRIS REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL SERVICES RFP”.   Responses submitted by “Express/Overnight” services must be in a separate inner envelope/package sealed and identified as stated in the previous sentence.  Envelopes not so marked are submitted at the risk of the prospective Submitter and the City assumes no responsibility for the premature opening of same by any City employee.

Submittals sent through the U.S. Mail are done so at the risk of the Prospective Vendor and should be addressed to the City of Bay St. Louis, in care of the City Clerk’s Office, 688 Highway 90, Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, 39520. The City is NOT responsible for submittals that arrive in the mail after the designated opening time. Submittals may be delivered in-person to the City Clerk’s Office located at 688 Highway 90, Bay St. Louis, Mississippi until 10:00 a.m. CST on August 23, 2024.

The City Clerk or Authorized Representative will meet at the time and in the place stated first above in this Notice and will then and there open, read aloud, consider and take such action as the Governing Body may then determine on proposals received in accordance with this Notice. The Governing Body reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive informalities.

If the agency is closed for any reason, including but not limited to: acts of God, strikes, lockouts, riots, acts of war, epidemics, governmental regulations superimposed after the fact, fire, earthquakes, floods, or other natural disasters (the “Force Majeure Events”), which closure prevents the opening of bids at the advertised date and time, all bids received shall be publicly opened and read aloud on the next business day that the agency shall be open and at the previously advertised time. The new date and time of the bid opening, as determined in accordance with this paragraph, shall not be advertised, and all Vendors/Contractors, upon submission of a bid proposal, shall be deemed to have knowledge of and shall have agreed to the provisions of this paragraph.  Bids shall be received by the agency until the new date and time of the bid opening as set forth herein.  The agency shall not be held responsible for the receipt of any bids for which the delivery was attempted and failed due to the closure of the agency as a result of a Force Majeure Event.  Each Vendor/Contractor shall be required to ensure the delivery and receipt of its bid by the agency prior to the new date and time of the bid opening.

Any contract awarded under this Invitation for Proposals may be paid for in whole or in part with Federal Public Assistance funding through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (“FEMA”), Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (“MEMA”) and/or other sources of recovery funding of a declared disaster. Any contract resulting from this solicitation may be subject to any terms and conditions of applicable federal and/or state funding, such as funding through the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as Amended (Stafford Act), Title 42 of the United States Code (U.S.C.) § 5121 et seq,, all applicable terms and conditions in 44 C. F. R. Part 206, 2 C. F. R. Part 200 (including Appendix II to Part 200), and all other OMB circulars, executive orders or other federal laws or regulations, as applicable.

Minority and women’s business enterprises are solicited to submit a bid on this contract as prime contractors and are encouraged to make inquiries regarding potential subcontracting opportunities and equipment, material and/or supply needs.

All firms submitting a bid MUST make positive efforts to use small and minority owned business and women business enterprises. See 2 C. F. R. §200.321 Contracting with small and minority businesses, women's business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms.

Publish Thursday 7/25/24 and Thursday 8/1/24.

Michael Reso, CAO/City Clerk                                                    

Bay St. Louis, Mississippi